Indonesian Muslim Feminism's Criticism of the Practice of Cutting Female Genitalia from a Human Rights Perspective


  • Zharin Zhafrael Mohamed Organization of a Global Movement for Equality end Justice in the Muslim Family (MUSAWAH), Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Author
  • Anizar Ayu Pratiwi Tutor Universitas Terbuka Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia Author


Indonesian Muslim Feminism, Female Circumcision, Human Rights


This article analyzes the Indonesian feminist critique represented by the Indonesian Women Ulema group, this critique is related to the discrimination of women in the context of female circumcision. The purpose of this article is to analyze the reasons why Indonesian Muslim feminist critics attack female circumcision, and how female circumcision is viewed from a human rights perspective. This article uses a qualitative method, the type of article library research / literature study that examines the reasons for Indonesian Muslim feminists who prohibit circumcision for women, data collection techniques through extracting literature related to the prohibition of female circumcision, the theory used is the theory of human rights. The results show that the criticism of Indonesian Muslim feminists who prohibit circumcision for women is that female circumcision causes kemadhorotan (damage), circumcision for women is contrary to women's human rights, this refers to the International Convention on women. The contribution of this article is shown for the legislative government to make a policy to prohibit the act of P2GP / female circumcision.

Author Biography

  • Anizar Ayu Pratiwi, Tutor Universitas Terbuka Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia



The reasons for criticism of Indonesian Muslim feminism regarding the prohibition of P2GP / circumcision are: First, because there is not a single legal proof from either the Qur'an or hadith as the legal basis for the law of female circumcision. The legal label of female circumcision is basically purely the result of scholarly ijtihad and not a direct religious command or guidance. Secondly, the harmful P2GP action without medical reasons is contrary to the mandate of the Indonesian State Constitution related to the right of every person to live and defend his life. The assumption that women need to be circumcised with the aim of reducing women's sexual desire, so that women are not "binal" or so that women's lust is controlled, is an incorrect view, contrary to women's justice, as if women are only sexual objects and should not have their own desires. Female circumcision results in enormous negative impacts, both physically and psychologically. Physical impacts include excessive bleeding, swelling of the genital tissue, fever, urinary infections, increased risk of labor complications, and sexual problems. Likewise, there are psychological impacts that affect the mentality such as depression, anxiety disorders, stress, and others. Female circumcision is a form of human rights violation against women and girls without any medical benefit.


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How to Cite

Indonesian Muslim Feminism’s Criticism of the Practice of Cutting Female Genitalia from a Human Rights Perspective. (2024). Journal of Islamic Mubadalah, 1(1), 1-13.